Location: The Lansingburgh Branch on the corner of 114th and Fourth Ave S
Hours: Saturday 10-4 & Wednesday 2-5
Summer Hours: Saturday 10-1

The Book Seller is the Friend’s used bookstore, staffed by a dedicated group of volunteers. It is the place to buy used adult and children’s books at bargain prices. Most books are $1.00 or less and children’s books are 25 cents.
Volunteering at the Book Seller
If you would like to volunteer at the Book Seller, please contact Chris Lasky, Book Seller manager, at friends@thetroylibrary.org
Book Donations
The Library is now accepting donations.
The Library will accept donations of books, DVDs, and Audiobooks that are in good condition. Please be sure your donations are clean, dry, and odor free. It does not accept outdated reference books, textbooks older than 10 years, or soiled books. Please note, we are unable to accept donations of CDs at this time.

Donations are accepted at either location when the Library is open. Bring your books to the desk in sturdy boxes or bags. The librarians will screen for books they would like to add to the collection and the rest will be sold at the Book Seller. Please schedule large donations in advance by contacting the Library.